Kapat Ikon
Aktas Holding Recommendation Awards Found their Owners

Aiming at contributing to the spirits and motivation of the employees within the scope of the various organizations that it realizes within the Company, Aktas Holding reinforces its high sensitivity about the occupational health and safety and environment also before its employees together with diverse applications that it revealed.


In the part of the 'Recommendation Awards' in this month which Aktas Holding newly commissioned and with which it honoured its employees who submitted the best ideas and contributed to the system in terms of both environment and occupational health and safety according to the recommendations that they gave throughout the month, the winners of June according to the categories of 'Recommendation', 'Environment and OHS' and 'Near Miss' were determined.


The Most Recommendations were submitted from the Mixer Department


Whereas 75 recommendations in total were given in the category of 'Recommendation' in the first one of the award ceremony to be held in the second week of each month with the participation of the employees of Aktas Holding, 'the Department which gave the most recommendations' was the Mixer Department. Its flags and certificates were granted to the Mixer Department due to its achievement.


Whereas Mustafa Ertan from the Mixer Department was entitled to be granted certificate and award as the person who gave the most recommendations, the persons who gave 'the Best Recommendations in terms of Environment and OHS' were Ayhan Caldir, Mehmet Onur and Metin Uzunoz.


In ‘Near Miss' the Award was granted to the Warehouse Department


Whereas 22 awards in total were submitted in the category entitled 'Near Miss' which has a significant place amount the recommendation awards of Aktas Holding, the award of 'the Department which gave the most near miss recommendations' was granted to the Warehouse Department with its certificates and flags. Whereas Taner Kaya was deemed worthy of a award as 'the person who gave the most near miss recommendations' in this category, Taner Kaya was also 'the person who gave the best near miss recommendation' in terms of Environment and OHS.


Whereas Aktas Holding Board Chairman Sahap Aktas and Chief Executive Officer and Board Member Sami Erol celebrated all employees contributing value to Aktas with the recommendations that they gave, it is foreseen that the recommendation awards will reveal successful results also in the forthcoming periods.

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