Kapat Ikon
Promise to support to the cancer patients, the travelers of hope, by Sami Erol

Aktaş Holding, leader in Turkey and among the first three companies in the world in the air suspension bellows sector, did another very meaningful activity too according to the social responsibility projects which she gives great priority.

Aktaş Holding gathered with the officers of Onko-Day, who does very useful activities on behalf of the cancer patients in the CNR Eurasia Boat Show – international sea vessels, equipment and accessories exhibition, known as the second biggest boat and yacht exhibition, where hundreds of companies participated in and 8th of which was organized this year.

Sami Erol, chief executive officer and member of the board of directors of Aktaş Holding, who participated in the organization in the name of Aktaş Holding, visited the officers of Onko-Day in the stand area no: B07, in Hall 3, which was opened in the name of Onko-Day Starfish in CNR EXPO, Yeşilköy, where the exhibition was performed and got detailed information on the activities performed in the name of the cancer patients.

Erol, who came together with Füsun Önen, president of the board of directors of Onko-day and Oya Coşkunöz, member of the board of directors of Onko-Day, emphasized that Onko-Day which targets to obtain revenue on behalf of the cancer patients by presenting the boat textile products, they produce, in this exhibition, presented a great awareness example.

“We are ready to stand by our people who are cancer patients”

Sami Erol, reminding that they, as Aktaş Holding, are a company very sensitive on the social responsibility, recorded that both Aktaş Holding and Aktaş employees are ready to provide support them by performing cooperation with Onko-Day in such important and meaningful projects.

Erol, examining the Onko-day Starfish 2015-2016 collection in the exhibition area, stated that he was very glad for the social responsibility approach in an exhibition for the first time and conveyed his thanks to everybody who took pains in this subject.

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