Kapat Ikon
Model Behavior from Aktas Holding Personnel

The valuable employees of Aktas Holding being among the major firms of the world in production of air suspension system presented various tools to Ataturk Kindergarten in Yildirim District to facilitate tasks of the students with a campaign organized among themselves. Aktas personnel shall also undertake maintenance of the toys in the school park on the following days.

Personnel of Aktas Holding, being the leader in Turkey and among the top three firms in the world in the sector of air suspension bellows, who are more valuable from each other, add new ones in their participative identity displaying the most beautiful examples of the social sensitivity each passing day.

Personnel of Aktas Holding taking charge in its factory in Kestel Organized Industrial Zone undersigned one more meaningful organization arranged by them among themselves.

Aktas personnel who provided Ataturk Kindergarten in Yildirim District with the support of various tools and products required by the school also installed shelves with various unused materials in some sections of the school. 

Aktas personnel prepare to undertake maintenance of the toys in the park in the school garden on the following days, the director and teacher staff of Ataturk Kindergarten thanked Aktas employees for their sensitivity.

"We are proud of our employees"

Sami Erol, Board Member and Chief Executive Officer of Aktas Holding, who stated that they are proud of such model behaviors of Aktas Holding personnel, emphasized the great importance given by them, as Aktas, to social responsibility efforts all the time. Erol who stated that each individual who is an employee of Aktas has a mission adding value to the society with his/her responsibility conscious expressed that they would continue their support to their employees to display such model behaviors.

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