Kapat Ikon
17th of April / Message for the Productivity Week

In order to create and disseminate the productivity awareness in every part of our society, the week covering April 17th is celebrated as "Productivity Week" every year with various activities.


In this respect, we should educate our children who are our bright future in order to plant in environmental consciousness and be productive, and by this means we should make our future generations more conscious.


This is because raising awareness on productivity and making productivity sustainable is possible by educating conscious, knowledgeable and equipped individuals.


We, as Aktas Holding, are committed to fulfilling our social responsibilities in this sense by implementing and supporting innovative works and projects aimed at increasing productivity since the day we were founded.


On this wise, we celebrate the 'Productivity Week', and we believe that in this important issue all segments of the society will show the necessary sensitivity.

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