Kapat Ikon
"Italy" Breezes in Aktas Holding

Being among the major firms of the world in production of air suspension system, Aktas Holding finally included Italy in the list of global kitchens offered by it to its personnel periodically with selective tastes from many regions of the world and the famous kitchen of Italy, being one of the most beautiful places of the Mediterranean Region, got the thumbs up from the personnel.

Being the leader in Turkey and among the top three firms in the world in the sector of air suspension bellows, Aktas Holding continues to meet its personnel with the tastes formed by the global kitchens on certain dates.

Aktas Holding finally met its personnel with the selective kitchen culture of Italy known as the country of the Mediterranean Region famous with its dishes.The meal banquet which took place in the factory building of Aktas Holding in Kestel Organized Industrial Zone was announced to its personnel as the "Italian Day" many days beforehand and the dining hall area was decorated with various visual products reminding Italy.

The Italian music played when the dishes are served contributed a great color in the atmosphere and the personnel of Aktas gave the Italian dishes the thumbs up as well.

The organisation has been so lively with the contribution of Tugba Demirsu Yuceturk and Gozde Yenidokur who are working as HR team leader and HR SpecialistAktas personnel who expressed their satisfaction with meeting with the global kitchens periodically stated that they already wondered the next meeting.

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