Kapat Ikon
The "Attendance Awards" were given within the Organization of Aktas Holding

The “Attendance Awards”, evaluating the attendance process, were given to their holders in the scope of the awarding systems implemented by Aktas Holding to increase motivation of employees.


According to the awarding system which is also appreciated by Aktas Holding employees; while it was targeted to award employees who have not been absent in the light of the evaluation to cover each period of 3 months, 23 Aktas personnel received their awards with the organized ceremony in the process of evaluation of the months of April, May and June.


While the personnel, who were at work on all working days during 3 months, were honored in the organization of “Attendance Awards”, realized at the production facilities of Aktas Holding on the 26th of August, the personnel acknowledged Aktas Holding for the awards presented to them by the company.


The awarding system, which has been implemented by Aktas Holding, is targeted to continue in the following processes to cover different categories.

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