Kapat Ikon
24 July Press Festival

The Press Festival, which is celebrated on 24 July every year as the anniversary of the removal of the cencor in the Turkish press, is a very special day which has a significant place in the development process of our country.


To be true, honest, prejudice-free and respectful to the personal rights without depending on any interest group is among the essential conditions of journalism. In the modern civilizations where the sense of democracy dominates, the press has very important functions such as informing the public and molding public opinion.


The journalists, who assume the mission of informing the public opinion in an objective and fair-minded manner with intensive labor and efforts by keeping their shoulder to the wheel, endeavor to fulfill their holy duties in a successful manner.


We, as Aktas Holding family, wholeheartedly celebrate 24 July Press Festival of all journalists working and laboring in the press world with their self-sacrificing works that they carried out by remaining loyal to the journalism principles in the rain, in the mud, in the hot and in the cold.

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