Kapat Ikon
"Aktaş Aktüel" Health Seminars Started

Aktaş Holding launched ‘Aktaş Aktüel’ program, which is another event that will contribute to the professional and personal development of workers. In this program, healthcare professionals that provide service in different medical fields will come together with Aktaş workers on the designated dates every month.


The first step of ‘Aktaş Aktüel’ program was the seminars at which Seher Dallı, Specialized Dietitian from Private Esentepe Hospital, shared significant information with workers in respect of ‘Healthy Nutrition and Diet’.  This training that was provided at Aktaş Holding Training Room attracted intense interest of workers.


Dietitian Seher Dallı was the guest of Aktaş Holding as part of ‘Aktaş Aktüel’ program and indicated that the society is making many wrong applications in terms of healthy nutrition and reported that healthy nutrition and regular exercises are among the most essential factors to maintain body rhythm and control body weight.


“Diet Applications Are Different for Each Person”


Dietitian Dallı explained important points to consider in respect of daily nutrition habits of individuals and emphasized important requirements for our body such as body mass index and amount of daily exercises. She indicated: “Body Mass Index is very important for our health. In fact, if this index exceeds the normal limits, it can increase possible health risks. However, if there are excesses in muscular tissues of a person in certain cases, that person can be accepted as healthy although his/her existing index is high. Therefore, muscular and fat tissue ratio and local distribution of fat in body should be correctly calculated in addition to body mass index for the assessment of body weight.


“Drink Plenty of Water”


Dallı indicated that balanced and correct nutrition is crucial for healthy and long living and said: “Physical activities in addition to healthy nutrition are also essential for balanced living. However, sport may not be sufficient on its own. We can consider sport ‘supportive factor’. You should place importance to water consumption. Adjusting your daily liquid consumption by considering the crucial activities of body, rather than drinking only when you are too thirsty, is essential for balanced weight. According to one’s weight, 40 milliliter water per kg is recommended to be consumed on a daily basis. Sipping water rather than drinking it completely is more useful. Likewise, always have a breakfast regularly. Scientific data indicate that breakfast is an important meal to maintain a healthy living”.


The program which provided Aktaş Holding workers with an opportunity to ask their questions was very efficient for the participants and it was announced that those that participated in ‘Aktaş Aktüel’ program can benefit from healthcare services with special discount.

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