Kapat Ikon
Tips from Aktas Holding CEO Sami Erol for being a Sustainable Brand

Aktas Holding Chief Executive Officer and Board Member Sami Erol assumed the chairmanship of the session of “Be a Sustainable Brand” at the 14th Quality and Success Symposium, organized with the theme of “Sustainable Excellence” this year under the cooperation of KalDer Bursa Branch and BUSIAD.


Sami Erol successfully managed the session named “Be a Sustainable Brand” also participated by Sahibinden.com CEO Burak Ertas and Kordsa Global CEO Cenk Alper at the event organized with the supports of Bursa Governorate, Uludag University, Uludag Association of Exporters and AIESEC Bursa Branch under the cooperation with BUSIAD in order to make the modern quality conscious widespread in Bursa and its vicinity since 2003.


Erol, who is also the Former Board Chairman of KalDer Bursa Branch, made valuable presentations regarding the importance given by Aktas Holding to the total quality management in its excellence travel during the session.


At the symposium organized at Almira Hotel on the 15th – 16th of April, while many number of famous names from the business, art and educational world of Turkey met with the participants, Sami Erol also achieved to get a full score from the participants with his efficient presentations during the session.


“Sustainable Success is one of the Most Important Elements of Branding”


Erol, who mentioned about significance of branding and total quality management in his presentation, said: “Achieving sustainable successes on important issues such as vision development and leadership, strategic management approach, competitiveness and stakeholder management, continuous development for excellent product or service, corporate social responsibility, communication and efficient management of resources is ensuring branding. Brands should be able to reflect distinctive features of the firm in the sector. Brand is directly linked with global competitive power, sustainable profitability, reliability, and growth potential, corporate perception, dominance based on knowledge and technology and quality and price perception for companies. At this point, Aktas brand reflects productivity with the combination of self-confidence, commitment, disciplined working understanding” and presented the examples of successful activities carried out by Aktas Holding in the branding process.


In the scope of the session which was very enjoyable, Sami Erol recognized the other spokesmen as well and the participants also got the opportunity to ask their questions to the spokesmen at the end of the session.

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