Kapat Ikon
World Health Day

The 7th day of April is celebrated as the “World Health Day” with various events in all countries of the world since April 7, 1948 when the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) was adopted.

Within the framework of the World Health Day, a theme is determined among the primary health problems threatening the public health and certain activities are carried out regarding place of human health in our life, its protection and improvement in the scope of this theme each year.

As is known, the individuals, among the smallest building stones forming the society, must be healthy primarily for maintenance of healthy societies. We witness serious investments and activities conducted in the field of health in recent years in our country in particular.

It should not be forgotten that all global citizens have a living right without discrimination of language, religion, race, sect, gender etc. and are also entitled to benefit from high quality health services.

We, as Aktas Holding, celebrate the “7th of April World Health Day” of our healthcare personnel and all humans, especially in our country, on the occasion of this meaningful day.

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