Kapat Ikon
Aktaş Holding's Female Employees Showcased Their Plant Arrangement Talents

Aktaş Holding honored its female employees on March 8 International Women's Day with a special event organized exclusively for them.


Aktaş Holding's female employees got together for a workshop event about Terrariums, which are created by arranging different indoor plants together with handmade or store-bought figurines. They have become one of the most popular trends of fashionable interior decoration in the last few years.


Landscape architect Ece Önür from the firm Minik Eller Terrarium provided personalized training for miniature garden design at the event that took place in Aktaş Holding's "Training Hall" where the employees learned various tips for creating a chic Terrarium decor with stones and plants arranged in a glass bowl.


"I Celebrate Women From All Around the World On This Special Day"


Aktaş Holding's female employees came together at the 'Terrarium Workshop', and Aktaş Education Foundation Chair of the Executive Board İlknur Aktaş joined them and created her own terrarium alongside the employees.


After the organization, which was full of fun and delightful moments, İlknur Aktaş addressed the female employees briefly, and said: "Starting with you, I celebrate all women of the world on March 8 International Women's Day. As Aktaş Holding and Aktaş Education Foundation, we will continue to support our female employees in the future just as we have done in the past."

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