Kapat Ikon
TAIDER Pays Aktaş Holding 'Congratulations' Visit

With a leadership mission to continue their operations tirelessly for the purpose of creating and implementing an infrastructure for our country's family businesses to remain sustainable as high-performing and competitive institutions that possess international management principles, TAİDER (Association of Family Businesses) visited Aktaş Holding's newly minted production facilities in Bursa Organized Industrial Zone.


Previous Period's Executive Board Member - Summit Committee Director Şerife İnci Eren and the present Executive Board Vice President - Member Relations President Aydın Öğücü, in addition to many members of the association, attended the visit and they were greeted by, on behalf of Aktaş Holding, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Board Member Sami Erol, Executive Board Deputy Chairman R. Serkan Aktaş, and Aktaş Education Foundation Executive Board President İlknur Aktaş.


The meeting had a friendly atmosphere. Having lead successful operations all around the world since the day it was founded as a family business, Aktaş Holding's corporate development and transformation process was discussed in detail, and Previous Period's Executive Board Member - Summit Committee Director Şerife İnci Eren thanked the Aktaş Holding family for hosting them so graciously, and congratulated them on the new production facilities.


"There Needs To Be More Good Examples Like Aktaş Holding"


Speaking about the difficulties of being a family business, Eren also emphasized the meaningful success stories of companies like Aktaş Holding that adopt a professional management approach, and remarked that family businesses that contribute to Turkey's economy should take important steps to ensure sustainable success, and that in this regard, there needs to be more good examples of successful firms like Aktaş Holding.


"We Are Like A Family With TAİDER"


After a video of the opening of Aktaş Holding's new production facilities was shown, Aktaş Holding Chief Executive Officer and Executive Board Member Sami Erol informed his guests of Aktaş Holding's past, current and future goals, and stated that they have very close relations, like a family with TAİDER, and that they continue to take important steps to ensure Aktaş Holding's continued success in the global arena.


"Many Companies Need Corporate Development In Our Country"


Explaining that, as Aktaş Holding, they are continuing their operations in the 4 major fields of transportation, construction, industrial production and energy grouping, Erol also pointed out the value added to Bursa and Turkey thanks to the new production facilities that directly contribute to the country's economy, and talked about the steps they have taken in order to be successful as a family business.


Emphasizing that the corporate climate structure in developed countries is supportive of family businesses, Erol remarked that there is a large number of companies that need to undergo development in this regard in Turkey, and that non-governmental organizations such as TAİDER are crucial to the development of family businesses.

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