Kapat Ikon
Aktaş Holding receives "Respect for People" Award

At the award ceremony annually sponsored by Kariyer.net, one of the most popular human resources platforms in Turkey, Aktaş Holding was honored with the award 'Respect for People' for the year 2015 out of hundreds of companies from all around our country evaluated every year. The award is given to companies that respond to 100% of job applicants, create the most jobs, receive the most job applications and hire the most applicants.


The official award ceremony will be held in İstanbul at Lütfi Kırdar Kongre ve Sergi Sarayı on February 17th, and the companies that received awards will be honored at this event, which is organized to award successful endeavors in the human resources field.


Aktaş Holding has achieved a rate of 100% for responding to 23,300 applications within 1 day through Kariyer.Net, and in light of this data and 112 hires, was awarded the '2015 Respect for People Award'. Aktaş Holding will be receiving the award at the Human Resources Summit organized by MCT.


"We Will Continue To Be People-Oriented"


Expressing pleasure at Aktaş Holding's recognition with an award that is considered very prestigious among the business world, Aktaş Holding Chief Executive Officer and Executive Board Member Sami Erol also thanked everyone that deemed Aktaş Holding worthy of this honor and singled them out among the many successful enterprises from all around Turkey that were considered.


Emphasizing that they will continue their people-oriented attitude as Aktaş Holding, Erol reminded everyone that one of the most important factors that Aktaş Holding's current success relies on is their competent and qualified personnel, and said that this honor, which can have a great impact on brand recognition, will hopefully bring significant gains to Aktaş Holding in every way.

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