Kapat Ikon
Aktaş Holding Entertained Dealers From All Around Turkey In Bursa

As part of an event-series they organize periodically, Aktaş Holding continues to meet with their dealers from all around Turkey, and discuss the previous year as well as exchange ideas about the future.


The latest event where Aktaş Holding met with their long-standing and new dealers was held in Bursa Organized Industrial Zone, and during the meeting, an assessment of 2015 was made, and goals for 2016 were discussed as well.


The meeting was heavily attended by authorized dealer representatives from all around the country who sell Aktaş brand products that are leading the Turkish market in their sector. Aktaş Holding Chief Executive Officer and Executive Board Member Sami Erol expressed his pleasure for hosting their guests in Bursa.


"Dealers Contribute Greatly To Aktaş's Growth Process"


Expressing his gratitude for the great contributions of the dealers all around Turkey and the world for Aktaş Holding's corporate growth and development process, and underlining the importance that he ascribes to the shareholders, Sami Erol also wholeheartedly congratulated all the dealers for their achievements in 2015.


Erol also recalled Aktaş Holding's big goals for 2016 and beyond after the very successful year of 2015, and stated that, as Aktaş Holding, they are going to keep marching towards the future with confident steps.

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