Kapat Ikon
February 9th International No Smoking Day

One of the biggest problems that threaten public health worldwide is, undoubtedly, cigarette smoking. Despite the fact that it is one of the leading causes of preventable diseases and deaths, and a threat to nations' public health worldwide, 1.3 billion people, 80% of which live in developing countries, smoke. In our country, 15 million people are smokers.

Unfortunately, according to the reports from World Health Organization, approximately 2.5 million people worldwide lose their lives every year due to smoking-related diseases.

In light of the data, it is clear that we have to band together to fight for a world without smoking, decisively and fast. It is necessary to create a public consciousness and raise awareness to protect people from getting addicted to smoking and the harms that smoking causes, in addition to ban all smoking indoors.

On February 9th, "No Smoking Day" events around the world are organized with the goal to eliminate smoking, and this date is also a great tool to inform smokers of all the harms of smoking and encourage behaviors that will assist them in quitting smoking.

Let us work together towards the goal of a smoke-free life, and contribute to create a healthier society and individuals for the next generation.

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