Kapat Ikon
February 4th World Cancer Day

As is known, cancer causes the most deaths after cardiovascular disease in our country as well as in the world, and it is one of the most serious health problems.

Cancer can be considered a ‘Preventable’ disease since it was demonstrated that a third of all cancer cases can be eliminated with the right safeguards. In our country, 175,000 people are diagnosed with cancer each year, and men make up two thirds of all cancer cases. A significant number of cases of cancer in our country is directly correlated with smoking and obesity.

According to research, environmental factors have a 90-95% role in causing cancer. If known risk factors such as poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol use, and exposure to harmful rays of the sun are avoided, it is possible that the incidence of cancer cases may be reduced.

In honor of 'February 4th World Cancer Day' various events all around the world are organized by Union for International Cancer Control and partner organizations with the purpose of creating a common consciousness and awareness of cancer for all nations.

It is true that a more consistent and coordinated than ever fight against cancer is needed. In this regard, accurate information, effective methods, minimizing risk factors, and creating the necessary awareness about this topic is a crucial necessity for all us.

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