Kapat Ikon
Aktaş Holding Family Greeted the New Year with Enthusiasm

Aktaş Holding, having had many successful operations under its belt in its sector during 2015, shared the excitement of welcoming 2016 with all its employees at a new year party event.


The new year celebration took place in Aktaş Holding's new premises in Bursa Organized Industrial Region, and all of the employees enjoyed the festivities together with Chairman of the Executive Board Şahap Aktaş and Chief Executive Officer and Executive Board Member Sami Erol.


The happiness in eyes of all the members of the Aktaş Holding family was readily apparent during the new year celebration organized with the hope that the Aktaş Holding employees shake off the stress and fatigue of a busy and intense past year in 2015; and the goals and expectations for the year 2016 were expressed with cheerful unanimous statements.

"We Have Achieved Sustainable Success In Every Field"


Aktaş Holding Chief Executive Officer and Executive Board Member Sami Erol addressed the employees at the event, and stated that in every field that they operated as Aktaş Holding, they were able to succeed in ensuring sustainable success in all operations, be it from a production or economical perspective or be it developmentally or from the perspective of responding to public's expectations, and that they were able to create a common benefit; and then he sincerely congratulated everyone for their efforts.


Erol continued his address by celebrating the new year of every member of the Aktaş Holding family, and reminded everyone of their substantial goals for the year 2016, and expressed that they will together carry Aktaş Holding to a much better and higher position than the present day by joining forces.


"I Believe In You Completely!"


Aktaş Holding Chairman of the Executive Board Şahap Aktaş gave a speech at the event and as he reminded everyone that employees' compromises are the number one reason that the Aktaş Holding’s name is attributed with success in every part of the world, he emphasized how Aktaş Holding's plan to be become the world leader in the sector in the year 2023 was being accomplished step by step with confidence. Şahap Aktaş recalled his total faith and trust in all members of the Aktaş Holding family on the path to reach Aktaş Holding’s goals for the future, and wished a happy and healthy 2016 full of new achievements to all the employees.


At the end of the event, The Aktaş Holding family did not of course forget to have a family photo taken.

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