Kapat Ikon
Social Attack from Aktas Education Foundation

Aktas Education Foundation, which has been founded within the organization of Aktas Holding, to carry out nature-friendly and sustainable corporate responsibility projects adding value to the society, continues its activities to provide social benefit to our country, in particular Bursa, without interruption.


Aktas Education Foundation met with the representatives of the associations and foundations, undersigned very important activities nowadays, in the scope of the recent visits throughout Bursa and exchanged their opinions regarding possible joint activities in the following period.


In the visits personally participated by Aktas Education Foundation Board Chairman Ilknur Aktas, Women’s Solidarity Association of Saitabat Village, popular with its unique nature, local tastes, traditional festivals and historical waterfall, which association undersigned very important activities since its foundation with effort and self-sacrifice of all village women and is the first village women’s association of Turkey was visited initially.


“Activities shall be carried out with the village women”

Aktas Education Foundation, which made extremely efficient interviews with the association which has been founded to ensure the women in Saitabat Village to gain their self-confidence, contribute in the family budget, help helpless people and protect their culture, intends to implement various projects for women together with the association.


“Full Support to Children”


The visit programs of Aktas Education Foundation continued with the authorized persons of Nilufer Private Education Vocational Education Center Directorate (Nilufer Occupational School), accepting medium-level mental learning insufficiency and providing full-day education and it was agreed to jointly carry out example activities to bring the handicapped and children with down syndrome in the social life.


Aktas Education Foundation which undersigned extremely productive interviews with the visits, also made important interviews with Coskunoz Foundation, founded within Coskunoz Holding, and Orhan Holding Foundation carrying out activities within the organization of Orhan Holding for the future and serious steps have been started to be taken in connection with various projects which may be carried out jointly.


“Our Purpose is to Provide Social Benefit”


Aktas Education Foundation Board Chairman Ilknur Aktas, who stated that they, as Aktas Education Foundation, undersigned successful activities and example works for each field of the life and each section of the society nowadays, emphasized that their purpose is just to implement as many projects as possible to provide social benefit.


Aktas stated that their interviews with the representatives of the important associations and foundations in Bursa are hopeful for the future and acknowledged the authorized persons who entertained her in the best manner during the visits.

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