Kapat Ikon
Reward to Aktas Holding in the Kazakhstan Fair

Aktas Holding is continued to be honored by its customers at the national and international level with the achievement awards.

Aktas Holding was finally entitled to get the reward for the “Best Firm of Communication for a Good Cooperation” in the fair organized by Phaeton DC, one of its customers operating in Kazakhstan where 45 manufacturing firms participated among nearly 80 suppliers of it.

While the Sale Team Leader Gülçin Onaran participated in the fair on behalf of Aktas Holding, Onaran received the reward of Aktas Holding in the organization where rewards were given in 33 different branches.

“We are proud”

Having stated that they were very proud for being worthy of the achievement reward given by Phaeton DC, the Sale Team Leader Gulcin Onaran acknowledged everybody who contributed in the organization emphasizing that their customers in each region of the world are very valuable for them.


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