Kapat Ikon
International Day Against Drug Use and Trafficking

Drug use, which is the topmost primary basic health problem in all societies all over the world is among the serious problems that need to be solved, not only because of the mental and physical damage it causes to the drug-using individual, but also due to the resulting heavy damages in the society.

With the decision taken by United Nations General Assembly in 1987, the 26th of June was set as “International Day Against Drug Use and Trafficking”, with the aim of highlighting the determination towards solving this problem completely through actions and collaborations throughout the world and contributing to create a clean society that is free from drug use.

The 26th of June is recalled every year in all countries with various awareness-raising activities including the personal and social damages caused by drugs and attention is drawn to this problem on the international arena.

Physical and Mental Damage is Great

The physical and mental effects of drug use on the human body are various. As the drug directly affects the brain, it results in unrepairable damages on the human brain due to the damage on the nerve cells.

Diseases that risk the person’s and the society’s health such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, AIDS are commonly encountered in people who take drugs intravenously.

Additionally, drug use invites liver, kidney dysfunction, vascular diseases and also depression and similar illnesses due to its psychological effects.

Education is among the primary activities towards preventing drug use. Also, creating awareness regarding this bad habit in the media and awareness raising works in addition to prevention of drug sale is among the primary issues that needs to be considered.

Come join us and let’s fight against drug use together.


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