Kapat Ikon
7th anniversary enthusiasm in Techno Aktaş

In Techno Aktaş which has started the activities in 2008 in the organization of the Aktaş Holding and has the position of the most important commercial bases of the region with the capacity and market share increasing every day in Bulgaria, the 7th foundation year enthusiasm is being lived.

Techno Aktaş, founded in the Plovdiv city of Bulgaria in May 19th, 2008, performed her 7th foundation year celebration event with the personal participation of Şahap Aktaş, chairman of the board and Serkan Aktaş, deputy chairman of the board.

While the members of the Bulgarian-Turkish Businessman Society (BULTIS) participated in the organization realized in the Techno Aktaş’s factory building, Şahap Aktaş, chairman of the board of the Aktaş Holding had a short speech in the event started with the show of the folklore team.

Stating that Techno Aktaş has become an important production center across the Balkan Regions, especially Bulgaria, since the date it was founded, emphasized with pride that they provided an important value added to the economy of the country for 7 years.

"Techno Aktaş will continue growing"

Aktaş, stating that Techno Aktaş will continue her growth acceleration, which gets strength every year, conveyed that sustainable success is the primary target in the global of Aktaş Holding, conveyed his thanks to everybody who are with them in the 7th anniversary organization.

The 7th anniversary celebration of Techno Aktaş ended with the planting, realized with the participation of all visitors.


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