Kapat Ikon
Sami Erol evaluated the economy in the Olay TV screens

Sami Erol, chief executive officer and member of the board of directors of the Aktaş Holding, assessed the agenda by being a guest in the Eko Dinamik show where the economy of the country and world is sounded out in the Olay TV screens.

In the program where the route of the world and country’s economy, monetary markets, the last development in the real economy, and the investments of Bursa, Sami Erol, answering the questions of Feridun Eyüpoğlu said that there are no tangible data in the optimistic tables even though the world economy passes a dynamic period.

Mentioning the economic data in the regions where they, as Aktaş Holding, have activities, Erol said “The growth speed, increased in the recent times, causes that American economy gains strength. Especially the radical precautions taken in the last 3 years in USA provided substantial effects for economic development. The point that takes my attraction most is that a structure has been established which gives incredible value to the investment and supports different investments in the United States of America.”

“China is the world leader in the registered patent number"

Emphasizing that China will be on the stage with innovative and technologic products which will highlight the competitiveness in the following 10 years, Erol said that China settled the first rank in the world in the registered patent number in the previous year. Evaluating the reports of Turkey belonging to the first quarter of 2015, Sami Erol conveying that there is a 6 – 6,1 percent decrease in the export in the automotive sector and stated that an increase has experienced in the domestic market in the sector.

Pointing out that macro-economic data and uncertainties after the election cause lack of confidence in the market, Erol conveyed his thanks to Feridun Eyüpoğlu and Olay TV, hosting him.


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