Kapat Ikon
Aktaş Holding participated in the human resources summit 13

Aktaş Holding participated in the human resources summit which is organized by the South Marmara Branch of Turkish Human Management Society (PERYON) for 12 years and where names important from each other in the human resources area met.

While the organization organized in the Merinos Ataturk Congress and Culture Center between May 21 and 22 with the theme of “Humanly”, gathered everybody who are interested in the human resources, very precious sharing were revealed on the importance of human management in the summit where Ali Tınaz colored up with his presentation.

Aktaş Holding HR employees attended together with Sami Erol, chief executive officer and member of the board of directors of the Aktaş Holding, to the organization where subjects and contents, striking from each other like new HR processes replacing the traditional HR approaches, importance, today and future of human management, talent management, HR and social media, corporate coaching system.

In the scope of the organization, Fatih Portakal, Fox TV anchorman, Mehmet Kocabaş, educator, Prof. Dr. Markus Venzin, among the most well-known persons in the business and business management post graduate (MBA) area, from Bocconi University of Italy, Psychologist Doc. Dr. Azmi Varan, from Koc University, Çağlar Çabuk, Koç mobbing expert, and V. Ergün Tüzün, work safety senior manager from Vodafone Turkey made important sharing for the participants.


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