Kapat Ikon
Aktaş Holding didn't forget children in Month Ramadan

Aktaş Holding, which is among the biggest companies of the world in the air suspension system production, made clothing support to the children in need, staying in the Ali Osman Sönmez Children's Home in an organization organized with the occasion of Month Ramadan.

Aktaş Holding, leader in Turkey and among the first three companies in the world in the air suspension bellows sector, has put a signature to a meaningful aid campaign in the scope of the social responsibility studies. 

Aktaş Holding has experienced the proudness of making little hearts happy by making clothing support to the children staying in the Orphanage in the Month Ramadan when the sense of solidarity is brought to forefront. 

In the visit realized in the Ali Osman Sönmez Children's Home in Kaplıkaya, the human resources and corporate communication team involved in the name of Aktaş Holding while the principle of the orphanage conveyed their endless thanks to Aktaş family who didn't forget them.

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