Kapat Ikon
Exclusive file: From Individual leadership to Corporate Leadership

Leaders play a very important role in the success of companies. As well as the sectoral knowledge and experience, the ability to communicate effectively and openly for leading individuals is among the prominent elements on the road to success.

To draw a vision of the future that inspires teams, to motivate individuals to the target in the best way, to be trustworthy, to be innovative and to be development oriented, to be modest and to have a good communication with individuals are a must for success for leaders.

Furthermore, the greater the difference between the dreams and the competence of individuals, the harder it is to achieve the goal. In other words, the closeness between individuals' dreams and competences is an important criterion for achieving these goals.

Therefore, people should be able to channel their strengths to their strengths by analyzing their weaknesses correctly. For this purpose, focusing on strengthening one's strengths and trying to improve the weaknesses with support from team-mates directly affects the success of the firm.

Acting with that in mind, companies need to act in a similar way to achieve corporate leadership.

Such that, if companies will find their own strengths and focus on progress and growth in that field, they will achieve success.

To sum up, firms will reach their targets much faster if they invest in the right human resources to grow and develop in the market where they operate, and concentrate on the strong individuals and the areas in which they are strong.

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