Kapat Ikon
Iskender Ulusay Met with the Employees

Within Aktas Holding, general success awards were presented within the scope of recognition & appreciation and reward system organized with the participation of employees, Chief Executive Officer Iskender Ulusay, participating in the ceremony, congratulated the award winning employees.

Ulusay met all Aktas Holding family one by one at the award ceremony. He wished both success for the employees and expressed his confidence for the employees on the way to the company's goals.

At the same time, Iskender Ulusay got together with the employees within the scope of the birthday celebrations held every month.

Our employees are our greatest strength

In his statement, Ulusay said that the importance of the human resources power has the biggest share for the history of Aktas Holding, and mentioned its importance in terms of the present and the future of the company.

Ulusay also underlined that all the employees have important responsibilities in order to carry Aktas Holding forward, and that they will focus on successful works together.

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