Kapat Ikon
Preface: Aktaş Holding Continues to Work Based on Sustainable Productivity Principle

Dear Aktaş Holding Stakeholders,

One of the most fundamental principles that Aktaş Holding has adopted since the day it was founded is 'to build a productive structure with sustainable approaches'.

Acting with this vision since the first day, Aktaş continues to provide serious added value both to its own community and to the world economy with the understanding in which values ​​are kept alive.

Taking this priority of Aktaş Holding into consideration, we are continuing to focus on efficiency-oriented activities in production and in all service processes with the aim of bringing our company to sustainable success.

At this point we always act with an innovative point of view and keep our frontline, not today, but our future, in our development and transformation activities.

Especially in this point we are very interested in digital conversion activities in our company.

Indeed, in today's world, as well as the efficient use of resources at the point of ensuring efficiency in companies, such transformation activities are of great importance.

As Aktaş Holding, we do not slow down our pace in this way, with future-oriented investments.

On the other hand, we have to be careful to apply efficiency in every area of ​​our lives. For this, we should act together with this understanding, considering our future.

To sum up, we as Aktaş Holding will continue to focus on sustainable growth by giving priority to productivity both today and for the future.

We always aim to create works that can provide economic and social values. In line with this goal, we will continue our next journey.

Best regards,


Aktaş Holding Board Member

Chief Executive Officer

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