Kapat Ikon
Aktaş Education Foundation - Interview

1. Can you introduce yourself?

My name is Orhan Uras KURTULUŞ. I was born in Osmangazi / Bursa on 20.02.1993. I graduated from Tophane Technical High School Electricity - Electronics Department with the 1st degree and then completed the 5 year degree education in 2016 including 1 year compulsory English education by earning Balıkesir University Department of Mechanical Engineering. I also won the Erasmus + exam, which was organized by Balikesir University International Research and Application Center in 2014, and I was entitled to 3 months internship in Stuttgart, Germany.

In the next year in 2015, I gained the Erasmus + test again and got the 7-month training right at the "Universidad de La Rioja" University in Spain, and I have successfully completed it.

2. When did you get scholarship support from Aktaş Education Foundation?

I received scholarship support from the Aktaş Education Foundation for the scholarship members during the period of 1 year from 09.2015 to 09.2016.

3. How are you informed about Aktaş Education Foundation scholarships?

I had information about the scholarships provided by the Aktaş Education Foundation on the recommendations given by my colleagues during my internship in Aktas Holding in 2015.

4. What are the contributions of Aktaş Education Foundation scholarship to your educational life, directly or indirectly?

Thanks to the financial support provided by the Foundation, I have taken the first concrete step towards my innovative and sustainable projects, which I aim to realize in the undergraduate period.

5.  Have you been able to follow up other activities that Aktaş Education Foundation has made in terms of social responsibility? Do you know anything about this topic?

I closely follow the social responsibility projects of Aktaş Education Foundation. With the spiritual and sustainable strength of the foundation, the vision of making useful and affordable investments for the future has always been an incentive for me to take a role model and work together.

6. What contribution has Aktaş Education Foundation made to you in reaching your current position or realizing your dreams?

I had the opportunity to improve myself in a social sense by taking inspiration from social responsibility activities carried out permanently and actively by Aktaş Education Foundation. I also had the chance to move forward my talents and qualifications in terms of giving advice and examples to the new generation.

7. Can you summarize the importance of Aktaş Education Foundation in your life with one statement?

The Aktas Education Foundation has made a significant contribution to the development of my social awareness and developments in the standards of my life.

8. Will you share your future vision with us? What are your career goals?

In the globalizing world, I prefer not to be stable but to be dynamic and active to achieve my goals by taking the vision of being innovative, sustainable, collective projects that would be beneficial to the country by carrying my qualifications, knowledge and skills further.

I also aim to contribute to future generations and create difference and awareness by developing my personal potential every day to be a contemporary individual who will respect universal values ​​and contribute to the solution of social and economic problems.

9. Do you support projects developed to support students who have undergone the same road as you? What are your recommendations to students?

I would always like to contribute to the projects that have been carried out in the material and spiritual sense to support the young people without any expectation of any provision and never hesitate to share my experience I have so far with the students.

I would suggest to students that they should be brave and determined to realize their ideas and goals, to never lose their hopes in spite of all obstacles and difficulties that they may face with, and to demonstrate the necessary self-confidence and effort to create original, innovative and lasting values.

10. Do you have any success stories that make you proud in your education and business life? Would you briefly mention your accomplishments?

Innovative R & D project under the beneficial model I have developed in my undergraduate studies life was selected the first among the other projects.

It was a different source of pride for me to have received the necessary incentives and support from professor academicians and university officials and experts from the TÜBİTAK institution to make this project a reality.

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