Kapat Ikon
5th of June - World Environment Day

Human being has a great responsibility for protecting and improving the environment for today and for the future. Particularly due to increasing world population, rapidly increasing industrialization and economic growth, lack of consciousness, the pressure and intervention of mankind over nature is increasing.

As a result, environmental problems come with it. It has become a necessity to take various measures for a healthy and clean future.

In this context, 'World Environment Day', which is celebrated every year in various events all over the world, draws attention to environmental problems and has great importance in terms of environmental awareness and sensitivity.

As Aktas Holding, we contribute to this process through environmental practices. Since the day we were founded, we have shown an environmentalist approach and strive to create the necessary environmental awareness in our country and to educate a more sensitive generation around us.

In this context, as Aktas Holding, we celebrate 'Environment Day' of all the citizens of the world.

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