Kapat Ikon
January 10 - Happy Working Journalists Day

Press members who pursue the news almost every hour of the day, who are trying to fulfill their duties under difficult circumstances and who fulfill an important public duty reflecting the demands and expectations of the people are among the important building blocks of the democracy.

Journalists who have played a major role in informing and growing the society should act with a free, determined, impartial and accurate publishing approach. In addition, in the fastest and objective way to deliver the news to the public, they confront with all kinds of difficulties and try to maintain their profession in the most beautiful way.

Journalists who support the freedom of citizens to receive information in an accurate, objective and unbiased manner face great challenges from time to time in the execution of this valuable profession.

As Aktaş Holding family, we celebrate the January 10th Working Journalists Day of all active journalists and we wish years of good success for them in their profession.

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