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Full support to global principles contract of the United Nations by Aktaş Holding

Aktaş Holding gave full support to global principles contract which gathers the companies, the United Nations (UN), labor trade unions, and nongovernmental organizations in order to support the leaders of the business world, universal environment and social principles in the global scale.

Aktaş Holding, participated in the introductory meeting, performed with the cooperation by BUSIAD and Global Compact Turkey, related with the contents of the contract, issued according to the “millennium development targets” by Kofi Annan, general secretary of UN in the world economic forum, organized in January 31st, 1999 participated in as the session sponsor in the organization performed as a panel.

Sami Erol, chief executive officer and member of the board of directors as well as the personnel of the human resources participated in in the name of Aktaş Holding to the activity performed in the BUSIAD House Conference Hall by corporate management expertize group, BUSIAD.

While Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, who participated in as a speaker in the organization lasted all day, chairman of Global Compact Turkey gave information on the history of global principles contract, he reminded that thousands of companies, trade unions and nongovernmental organizations across the world are a part of the global principles contract.

“Everybody should support”

Sami Erol, chief executive officer and member of the board of directors of Aktaş Holding, who stated that they, as Aktaş Holding, were very glad for being in a precious study, like the one realized by UN, emphasized that the global principles contract of the United Nation is a study aligned with the vision and values set by Aktaş Holding since her foundation and stated that they will be glad for supporting the contract. Erol also called all national and international companies to involve in this comprehensive contract.

The articles included in the UN global principles contract are as below:

Principle 1: The business world should support and respect the human rights announced internationally.

Principle 2: The business world should not give a chance for human rights violations.

Principle 3: The business world should support the freedom for unionization and efficiently recognize the collective bargaining right.

Principle 4: The business world should prevent all kinds of forced and compulsory employment.

Principle 5: The business world should prevent child labor employment.

Principle 6: The business world should prevent discrimination in the recruitment and work processes.

Principle 7: The business world should support the approaches preventing the environmental problems and protecting the environment.

Principle 8: The business world should support all kinds of activities and formations which will increase the responsibility oriented for environment.

Principle 9: The business world should support the development and popularization of environment friendly technologies.

Principle 10: The business world should struggle against all kinds of corruption including bribery and tribute.

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