Kapat Ikon
File Topic: How Much The New Normal Is Actually New?

Although the concept of new normal appears frequently especially after the pandemic period, in fact, it is a strategic concept that has become more and more important in recent years.

When we look at the history of the world, we see that many differences in business life and the global economy occur in the light of both cyclical and technological developments.

The new normal, which emerges as one of these changes, is a process that has actually been known and defined since 2003.

All kinds of changes, disasters and outbreaks such as Covid-19 can normally be experienced worldwide are considered as possible and considered as elements in determining the strategy for the institutions/ brands.

In such unexpected crisis periods, as economic indicators differ after the crisis, consumption habits are also changing to a new dimension. For example, in this period, the importance of digitalization became much more understood and it became almost inevitable for companies to focus on digitalization.

It is important to remember that this period of change in almost every field, from work and social life to shopping, brings many opportunities. Therefore, it seems likely that companies that prepare and adapt to the new normal in the best way will stand out in competition.

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