Kapat Ikon
Aktas Holding Family Gathered Together at Iftaree Dinner

Aktas Holding organized iftaree dinner with the participation of its employees during Ramadan, the Sultan of 11 months.

All Aktas employees attended the dinner, which took place in order to enjoy the spiritual atmosphere of the month of Ramadan and to consolidate the spirit of sharing.

At the iftaree dinner conducted at the factory in the Organized Industrial Zone, Aktas Holding's senior management shared the same table with the employees, and a sense of unity and solidarity came forward overnight.

Aktaş Holding Executive Board Chairman Iskender Ulusay made statements about iftaree dinner and emphasized that Ramadan is the month of sharing, co-operation and solidarity.

Among our most important traditions

Emphasizing that sharing the tables during Ramadan is one of the most important traditions, Ulusay said: "In accordance with the spiritual spirit of the month of Ramadan, we have come together with all our colleagues. Ramadan is not the month of consumption, but the month of common sharing. In this beautiful time zone, sharing our meal together is one of our most important traditions. As a society, we will continue to have these beautiful values that make us."

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