Kapat Ikon
Corporate Awareness Training to its Personnel from Aktaş Holding

Aktaş Holding added a new chapter to its periodic educational activities aimed at the personal and social development of its personnel.

Aktaş Holding lastly implemented another important organization aimed at concepts such as the personnel’s sensitivity to complying with occupational safety rules, physical appearance/personal care, problem solving culture, empathy, customer satisfaction, belonging/loyalty requirement, confidentiality of corporate information and representation outside the company, through an 8-hour education organization titled corporate awareness and sense of belonging, with the participation of its blue-collar personnel.

As the training, attended by Ömer Çam, who still continues his work as an academician at Yeditepe University and shares his knowledge and experience as a professional motivational speaker in addition to his sports, life, career and manager coaching works and personal development trainings, was made more colorful with various games, it was noted that Aktaş employees enjoyed the organization very much.

“Our Educational Activities will Continue”

Aktaş Holding Executive Board Chairman and Administrative Board Member Sami Erol drew attention to the importance of these types of trainings for development of Aktaş Holding employees in all aspects, emphasized that every employee is very important for them in accordance with the future goals of the company, and stated that they are ready to support their employees as far as they can, so that their competence will be at top in accordance with Aktaş Holding vision.

Erol said that these periodic trainings will be continued in the future and stated that these types of training which strengthen team work and corporate sense of belonging coincided perfectly with the corporate culture of Aktaş Holding.

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