Article - Adnan YAZICI : The key to the efficiency: Kaizen is a Japanese origin word and means continuous improvement. Actually Kaizen, in a way, is the reflection the thought of always getting better which is a rule we can’t give up in our lives in the business life...
Article - Rahşan İ. YORULMAZ : BRIDGE I always assimilate our country to a bridge. Even I started to more assimilate it to a suspended bridge shaking hither and thither with the last earthquake analyses. Not only physical; a connection between civilization and west, countries of the first world and of the third world, religion, race, energy, water, from cold to hot, black to white for everything…
Article - Tuğba YÜCETÜRK : Sustainable Productivity with Team Work It is difficult to be a teammate. However, it is more difficult to form a good team
Aktaş Holding personnel pressed the shutter 16.11.2014 The creative personnel staff, included in the organization of Aktaş Holding, among the biggest companies of the world in the air suspension system production laid the foundation of the ‘Aktaş Photography Club’ which the collages interested in photography may use with a new initiative started among themselves.
Standardization period in Aktaş Holding Aktaş Holding, among the biggest companies of the world in the air suspension system production, has started a new study for making the management, HR, quality, production, marketing and purchasing processes standard in the organizational structure of all Aktaş companies giving services in the global arena.
Aktaş Holding and University cooperation continues 3.10.2014 The students having education in the university will assume the project intern duty in the organization of Aktaş Holding for 6 months in the scope of the project which Aktaş Holding plans to realize with the Uludağ University.
Aktas Holding improves its vision with the 17.10.2014 Aktas Holding, which is among the top firms of the world in production of the air suspension system, was mentioned with its success in the 11th period certificate ceremony of the Director Improvement Program which is developed in the framework of the brand development program named Turquality helping development of the talent pools of firms at a global scale together with its contribution in the branding process of Turkey.
Quality award from Sami Erol 23.10.2014 Sami Erol, the chief executive officer and member of board of directors of Aktaş Holding among the biggest companies of the world in the air suspension system production presented plates to the participants entitled to have success award in the organization while entering the 5th conference for continuous improvement for perfectness, organized with the cooperation of BTSO and the Bursa branch of Turkish Quality Society (KalDer).
Aktas Holding Successfully Represented our Country in the Innotrans 2014 being one of the Major Fairs of the World 24.09.2014 Aktas Holding which is among the top firms of the world in production of the air suspension system took part in the International Railway Technologies, Systems and Vehicles Fair 2014 (InnoTrans) organized in Berlin, capital city of Germany, also experienced a very efficient organization with various business interviews with the global giant firms in its sector.
Aktaş Holding came back with hopes from GAU 2014 Athens Exhibition 14.10.2014 Aktaş Holding, among the biggest companies of the world in the air suspension system production, successfully represented the country in "GAU 2014" organization where elite suppliers and members gathered from many regions of the world and organized in Athens by Group Auto International having activities in Russia, Central Asia and South America.
Golden recommendations to students from AIESEC from Sami Erol 24.10.2014 Sami Erol, president of the executive board and member of the board of directors of Aktaş Holding, among the biggest companies of the world in the air suspension system production pointed out the importance of AIESEC, international internship exchange program, in the career planning and gave important recommendations to the students about their futures in the meeting where he met with the students of Uludağ University.