Kapat Ikon
File Subject: Making Difference in the Sector from the Business Perspective

In today's world, where the transition to the information society is becoming quicker, the firms are questing to create difference from the competitors and gain competitive advantage.

In the new world order, where the borders disappear, globalization drives and information becomes more easily accessible, global competition is also increasing, businesses need to be more innovative and difference-making as a fundamental factor.

At that, in the arrangement where quality processes turn into the common standards, in order to create difference in products and services, knowledge and technology become a must for the firms.

Therefore, in the existing conditions, when those who fail to create difference would face the danger of disappearance, there is a need to make right strategic decisions and immediately work towards building up brand value.

When considering the changing concept of sustainable competition, turning towards aspects ensuring the competitive advantage and adopting innovative approach represent a must for the business's future.

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