Kapat Ikon
Ministry of Economy Visiting Aktaş Holding

Under the recent arrangements, Aktaş Holding hosted the delegation of Ministry of Economy at its Bursa production facility.

Hosted by Uludag Exporters' Assocıatıon (UIB), through "Ministry of Economy Expert Group Visits" organized on September 15-16, 2017 to raise awareness among exporting firms in Bursa, Eskişehir, Bilecik, Balıkesir and Bandırma, information regarding ongoing support programs and stimulation efforts, as well as recent news and developments were delivered.

The Delegation consisting on representatives of Directorate general on Export; Directorate general on Import; Directorate general for Stimulation and Foreign Investment; Directorate general on Free Zones, Foreign Investments and Services and Directorate general of product safety and inspection under the Ministry of Economy, was also attended by the deputy secretary Kadir Bal, Exports director general Volkan Agar and Chief of Imports Department Mehmet Ekizoğlu.

Transformation experience shared

The delegation welcomed by Aktas Holding Deputy Chairman of the Board R. Serkan Aktaş and Finance and Administrative Director Mustafa Şenongan and spoke about Aktaş Holding history, areas of business, way from a small business to a big global player, as well as the company’s worldwide operations.

During the very fruitful visit, Ministry of Economy officials closely familiarized with Aktaş Holding production facilities and praised the contribution of our company to the country and the World economy.

Stimulators, make our brands more competitive in the global scale

Aktaş Holding Member of Board and CEO Sami Erol expressed his satisfaction with the visit and said: "Serious stimulation and support by the Ministry of Economy to Turkish firms are the matter of fact. Naturally, such support makes Turkish brands more competitive in the global scale. At Aktaş Holding, we still participate in Turquality support program with our brand Airtech. At this point, we are eager to continue production and development, providing the highest possible value added to our country and the sector".

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