Kapat Ikon
Mexican wind in Aktaş Holding

Among the biggest companies of the world in the production of air suspension system and spread to 6 continents geographically, Aktaş Holding shares the world cultures with her employees in compliance with her international identity.

Aktaş Holding, among the biggest companies of the world in the air suspension system production, maintains the cultures of the world in the companies in her organization in the scope of internal communication studies. 

In the Mexican Day activity made simultaneously in all locations of Aktaş Holding in the world, the music, foods and other cultural elements belonging to the Mexican culture were shared with the employees. 

The activity, started with the publishing of the information about the country on the panels, continued with the sharing of the Mexican musics and cultural elements inside the organization all day long. 

The lunches where the flavors specific to Mexica were presented formed the most joyous part of the activity. While the cooks serving the food wore the clothing specific to Mexica caused that colorful scenes were seen, various decorations were made with motives reminding Mexica inside the cafeteria. 

Aktaş personnel stated that they loved the Mexican food and mentioned that they found the opportunity for learing and exploring new cultures by this means. 

Such kind of activities enchanging the cultural interactions are sustained yearlong by Aktaş Holding.

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