Kapat Ikon
Aktaş Holding has landed on Lebanon!

Aktas Holding, leader in Turkey and among the first three companies in the world in the air suspension bellows sector, has started adding new markets to the operational studies it continues in the global scale.

Aktaş Holding has started the sales activities in Lebanon, which has the position of one of the most important commercial centers of the region in the scope of the enterprises it made in the Middle East region, known as one of the most important potential centers of the sector.

Aktaş Holding, with the sales enterprises, started for the first time in the past days, opened to the Lebanon market while Aktaş took a very important step too towards the target of reaching all regions of the world.

“We will strengthen the presence of Aktaş in the region more”

Stating that they, as Aktaş Holding give importance to the Middle East because of the big potential in the region, Sami Erol, chief executive officer and member of board of directors of Aktaş Holding, emphasized that the first sale performed in Lebanon is a start in the name of the future, said they will strengthen the presence of Aktaş more in the next periods.

Recording that they, as Aktaş Holding, target to reach every point of the world, Erol emphasize that they will continue to open new markets, like in Lebanon, in accordance with the 2023 targets while stating that he believes in that this kind of steps will provide important gains at the point of catching the targets.


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