Kapat Ikon
Photo Fans Met in Bursa FOTOFEST

The International BursaFotoFest 4th of which was organized this year by cooperation of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, Bursa City Council (BCC) and Bursa Photo Art Association (BUFSAD) met the photo fans with the theme of “Live Together”.

The event which started with the “Traditional Festival Walking” on Cumhuriyet Street met the important photo artists of the world and photo fans with the citizens of Bursa interested in photo and photography  during 1 week.

The citizens of Bursa also showed intensive interest in the walking started with the marches of Bursa Janissary Band. Photo artists from 57 countries participated in the organization which took place between the 6th – 11th of December.

BursaFotoFest which has been one of the most important international organizations of our country since its launch witnesses more colorful and more enthusiastic times each passing year including the event of this year with 7 international, 32 national and 120 local artists.

Thanks to the event which is very important due to its contribution in formation of history of Turkey and Bursa, squares reflecting value and beauties of Bursa, taken from each district of the city, also provides very important returns in terms of publicity.


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