Kapat Ikon
26 June - International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Drug addiction that has multi-functional dimensions has become one of the most remarkable social problems in our country and in the world particularly in recent years.


Whereas this increase that occurred in the drug use generates a significant threat risk in terms of the future of the humanity, the 26th of June was accepted as 'International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking' with the decision taken in 1987 by the United Nations General Assembly and it was aimed to raise social awareness by holding various events across the world on this date.


The most important task of the citizens against this problem threatening the community health is to support to reintroduce especially the children that are our future to the society as healthy individuals by protecting them from all kinds of addictive substances.


The families have tremendous responsibilities for raising the conscious of the children and youth against this problem and for them to be careful against the addictive substances. Whereas the information studies reveal significant results at this point, to display total fight example by orienting the public opinion properly will reveal useful results in terms of the next generations.


Let's protect our children from drugs for a healthy future…

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