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World Human Rights Day

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948, is defined as the “Constitution of Human Rights”. As per the signed declaration, each person in the world is borne equally and freely without a discrimination of race, language, religion, color, sex. Every person may benefit from the freedoms and rights in the declaration.

The week starting on the 10th of December has been celebrated as the Human Rights Week by the countries being members of the United Nations every year since the day of execution of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The 10th of December has been considered as the World Human Rights Day.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1. All humans are borne free and equal. They have intelligence and conscience; they should treat each other brotherly.

2. Everybody is entitled to benefit from all rights and freedoms written in the declaration without race, color, origin, religion, political and similar discrimination.

3. All people have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.

4. Nobody may be applied torture, cruelty, humiliating punishment or practice.

5. Everybody is equal before the laws.

6. No one shall be subjected to arrest, detention or exile illegally.

7. Everyone has the right to a trial at an independent court.

8. Everyone’s private life, family, house and communications must be protected by the law.

9. Each man or woman at the stage of marriage is entitled to marry and get a family without any race, color, religion condition; family is the basic component of the society. He/she is entitled to be protected by the society and state.

10. Everybody is entitled to acquire property and assets.

11. Everybody has a thought, conscience and belief freedom.

12. Everybody is entitled to work, freely select his/her job and relieve unemployment.

13. Everybody is entitled to education and the initial education is free.

14. Slavery and peonage are forbidden.

15. Everybody is protected in the framework of the laws wherever he/she resides.

16. All people are entitled to apply to the judicial body in accordance with the constitution.

17. Everybody who is suspected to have committed a crime is provided all rights required for his/her defence.

18. Everybody may visit any country of any state, may leave there or return to home at any time.

19. Everybody may escape to a foreign country against torture. He/she must be treated as a “Human under Cover” in the country where he/she escaped.

20. Everyone has a nationality.

21. Every human has thought, belief and religion freedom.

22. Nobody may be held responsible from his/her opinions and statements.

23. Everyone has the right to freedom of assembly and association. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

24. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his/her country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.

25. Social security of the individual is provided in line with the international cooperation or resources of the state.

26. Everybody is entitled to rest, entertainment and paid leave after working.

27. Everybody is entitled to work on each branch of fine arts and participate in such works.

28. Everyone is entitled to a social order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

29. Everybody agrees requirement of compliance with the articles in this declaration.

30. No article of this declaration may be excluded by any state, society or individuals.

What are the Human Rights and Freedoms?

All people have rights and freedoms from birth. These rights and freedoms are applied in all states with a democracy understanding. States which do not apply them are subject to various sanctions.

These rights may be listed as follows:

Living Right: Living right, which is the basic right of people, may never be limited and prevented.

Right of Privacy: Spiritual and bodily integrity of people may never be destroyed. People are private in this respect.

Right of Health: Every person is entitled to treatment service when his/her health condition gets worse.

Right of Education: Each person is entitled to development, knowledge and culture gaining. These rights may be provided by the social state or people may take training by their own initiative.

Right of Petition: Citizens are free to file their requests or complaints to the relevant authorities through a petition in any case.

Right of Private Life Secrecy: Unless there is a court decree, houses of people may not be searched and their calls may not be wiretapped.

Right of House Privacy:  Likewise, unless there is a court decision, house of a person may not be entered. If entered, the crime of housebreaking is committed.

Right of Electing and Being Elected: Right of electing and being elected is one of the most important rights in democracies. People are entitled to select persons to govern them and this right is equal for everybody.

In the UN, there are 6 Basic Human Rights Conventions

The United Nations have six basic human rights conventions. They are:

-Civil and Political Rights International Convention

-Economic, Social and Cultural Rights International Convention

-Anti-Torture Convention and Anti-Race Discrimination Convention

-Anti-Race Discrimination Convention

-Anti-Women Discrimination Convention

-Children’s Rights Convention

We celebrate the 10th of December World Human Rights Day wishing a world where all people may benefit from these freedoms and rights without exception.

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