Kapat Ikon
Aktas Holding aims the summit!

Aktas Holding, leader in Turkey and among the first three companies in the world in the air suspension bellows sector, performed the sharing meeting which has great importance strategically, where 2015 targets were presented.

In the meeting performed in Almira Hotel, Şahap Aktaş, Aktaş Holding President of the Board of Directors, Serkan Aktaş, member of the Board of Directors, Sami Erol, Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors and Ilknur Aktaş, President of the Board of Directors of Aktas Education Foundation as well as all Aktas Personnel working in Kestel and DOSAB locations were present.

While the future targets of Aktas Holding were discussed in detail with the participation of the white collar personnel in the first part of the organization, lasted all day long, Aktas personnel, divided as teams with the workshop application, presented the applications and projects which Aktas should manifest to the members of the board of directors under the light of the market requests and expectations.

While the presentations which include the successes obtained and future targets, related with their departments were made by all department managers, Şahap Aktaş, Aktaş Holding President of the Board of Directors made the opening speech in the meeting started with keeping minute of silence and playing the Turkish National Anthem.

“We obtained our targets in spite of the year passed harsh”

Describing 2014 as a year which lasted harsh as well as when existing targets were obtained, Aktas said “The targets were generally obtained even though it was a harsh year. We, all together, made the difficulties good. We saw the positive effects of the works we did. Our organization was always at the top levels in the BTSO lists. However, we should remember that there are better results which we can obtain. For this, we should renew the targets with the new year. We should be dynamic and sustainability.

This year, as Aktas, we will make important investments. Future is important for us, therefore there is no need to lose time. We should walk to the place where we focus on. At this point, we all have responsibilities personally. We, as the Aktas family, trust and believe in you.”

“2015 should be our year”

Serkan Aktaş, member of the Board of Directors of Aktaş Holding took the ground, following the Şahap Aktaş. Emphasizing that they should struggle all together for introducing 2015 as “the year of Aktaş”, Aktaş said “We got good results until today in the last quarter of 2013. We interlocked with each other, as the employees, during this time. I believe in that 2015 will be a year when we work more and interlock with each other more.”

After the speech of Serkan Aktaş, Sami Erol, chief executive officer and member of the board of directors, gave hopeful messages for the personnel.

“We should be proud of being in a company challenging the world”

Narrating that they, as Aktaş Holding, the lack of human resources were eliminated and did correct moves for providing qualification, Erol used the statements of “We took very important steps for improving the innovations correctly and restructuring our human resources, for establishing the strong human resources, suiting to 2015 and afterwards. Today future technology develops fast. The development pace indicates that we should observe the factors depending on the pace of the development in a good way and reflect them to our businesses. If the rising tendency, started in 2013, continues in 2015 too, our growth will continue. Aktaş Holding, as a company the name of which is sensed very positively by succeeding the firsts in the past, deserves better positions. We realized our 2014 targets. We anticipated a competition where our brand is positioned. We said that Aktaş products would be in the premiere league, our sales amounts turned out to be correct. We gave priority to make our biggest investments on you in 2014. Being the number 1 in the spare parts area in 2023, which is the vision of Aktaş, is really motivating… be proud of Aktaş and in a company challenging the world”.

“We have more to accomplish”

Emphasizing that they accomplished a lot in 2014 but they have more to accomplish, Erol said “New factory, new businesses, new projects and increasing the sales in the global. We will continue improve all processes. We will continue to use techniques, methods with the team spirit. We should walk to our 2023 target without allowing the wrongs to come from outside. It is required to believe to be strong, it is possible to catch the success as from the moment you become believers.”

In the second part of the meeting, while the approval, appreciation, seniority and recommendation awards performed with the participation of all the white collar and blue collar personnel, the Aktas personnel took their awards from the hands of the member of board of directors.

At the end of the organization, lasted all day long, the Aktaş family had the opportunity to relieve the stress of the day in the dinner performed with the participation of the singer Sami and his team.


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