Kapat Ikon
21st of October – World’s Day of Journalists

The press, which is one of the essential factors of democracy, has a very important building stone function assuming the duty of being voice of the public opinion with a great devotion and responsibility feeling working day and night to the benefit of the freedom of information of the public by acting in line with interests of our country.

Journalists, who assume a key role in enlightening and informing the society, try to maintain their profession in the best manner by facing all kinds of difficulty to deliver the news to the public in the fastest and most objective manner by working with a free, objective, principle-based and accurate publishing understanding.

As Aktas Holding, we sincerely celebrate the 21st of October World’s Day of Journalists of all journalists who are the voice of our society in lien with the press professional principles and wish success for them in their professional life.

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